Shady Lane is a charitable nonprofit organization. Many families volunteer to help raise funds to support the School. Donations of funds, goods and services are always welcome and appreciated.
Parents, educators, and administrators work together for the benefit of the Shady Lane community. Many annual events, including the A is for Art fundraiser and the Book Fair, are led by parents in collaboration with educators and administrators.
All parents and staff are encouraged to volunteer and participate in Shady Lane events. Sign up for participation is sought in the fall, but parents may volunteer at any time. In addition, many opportunities to participate in the community, including discussion groups and other gatherings occur throughout the year.
Shady Lane is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. We have found that a diverse Board is crucial to the strength of the organization, and that such diversity is strengthened by the participation of current and past Shady Lane parents as well as other members of the community. Parents interested in serving on Shady Lane's Board of Directors can ask for more information from Lindsey Ramsey, Executive Director.
"You guys are amazing, thank you!
There is just no way that if I were home with my child all day that we'd make cookies, make T-Rex's and go for a bike ride when it's 30 degrees out and snowing on April 17th.
Thanks to all for your hard work, especially the Orange Room Teachers."
- Lindsay
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NAEYC offers research-based, up-to-date articles on high-quality learning for parents and teachers!
PA's Promise for Childen offers research-based, up-to-date articles on high-quality learning for parents and teachers!
Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) helps families identify the best childcare options while offering connections to additional services, such as a childcare subsidy.
Shady Lane is both proud of and grateful for the volunteer spirit and generosity expressed by our families, staff, alumni, and the community at large.Shady Lane has an active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). If you would like to know how to become involved in the PTO please contact our School Director Jessica Taylor.